16. Bon Iver
15. The squirrels and birds
14. Historic downtown and old homes
13. Puntam Rock
12. The Chippewa River
11. Flipside10. Sidewalks
9. The cafes
8. The parties aren't obvious, but there are enough to keep me happy
7. Bc the high pop, of Christians, when you meet a fellow Atheist/just a non-Christian you feel a bond
6. Bc the high pop. of Republicans/Conservatives you feel like you need to voice your Liberal opinion
5. Classes are not much bigger than high school, not much harder than senior level or AP classes
4. The rural scenery but access to what I need
3. My old friends
2. My new friends
1. WoCo and the whole music department
I feel bored, relaxed, both well rested and tired. I'm highly caffeinated but lowly animated. I have at least one crush, kind of two. I'm missing Gian as well but I've seen a guy named James twice this week. I slept over at Kelsey's Tuesday night and we had a lot of fun being ourselves. I slept on her air mattress which was surprisingly comfortable. Last night I slept heavily but I did wake up more than once between 3 and 4 o'clock. I had very vivid dreams of home, school, music, Gian, and James. They were beautiful and hazy but I do not remember them. What matters now is that I can see the sunshine on the aging, drying leaves.