
I knew it

I knew I should've screenshotted those wonderful comments. Proof. I was going to ss just to post it, not realizing they would be obliterated like tracks in the snow before another blizzard.

I forgot what this new paragraph was about. All the sudden Mariah's on TV and I'm consumed.
OH YEAH This paragraph was for Lady Gaga and sexism.
Lady Gaga is one of the most successful entertainers of 2009.  She is my second favorite successful woman. (Michelle Obama is number one) A commenter on my facebook said "Compared to Bjork Gaga is like [some dumb analogy like 'shes like shit put to mp4' or something]
UMMMM Excuuuuse me? What is this preconceived notion that all female vocalists are in THE SAME GENRE??? You wouldn't compare Black Sabbath to Death Cab for Cutie because their male bands, would you? Bon Iver to the Beatles? I've not listened to Bjork but other contemporary female artists are clumped into a genre, like Regina Spektor, Lilly Allen, Amy Winehouse, Adele... Gaga is in the techno pop genre, I'd equally compare her to any pop artist or techno.. or technopop.. but not Bjork. I've not listened to Bjork, but I'm not going to research that haa. I just hate that people do that. Of course if you compared Lady Gaga to Joanna Newsome you could argue Joanaa is not superficial or involved with material items or even sex, leading you to say her deeper meaning lyrics are "better." I will always respect Joanna Newsome as a profound folk writer. Up there with Dylan. But techno isn't about throwing rocks by a river.. you just don't compare them.

That was a rant, I'm going to regret not getting info about this and making it a real blog, but I'm multitasking (:

To lessen the rantyness: Itunes declares Lady G as "Pop" and Bjork as "Alternative" >>>>DIFFERENT. Thank you Apple (((:

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