
Truth =?= Fact

My Myers psychology textbook defines informational social influence as influence 
resulting from one's acceptance of others' opionions about reality opinion of reality. 

I'm shocked that I can't argue that. What reality is is just my opinion. 
Truth is opinion. This is human capacity. We're as complex as we are while
we also lack definite anything. Is it just us or the whole universe? 
I'm writing to figure this out. Are we too simple to see like real truth or
is there no truth but what we believe is true? If you're lost, I'm very sorry. 

To try to clarify I'm talking two truths: 
something true that we may or may not believe is the first.
The second: our own opinion truth which becomes a truth bc of our belief in it.
 What I really wanted to get at though is

Is it tragic or beautiful that all of existence 
is fact but we can only comprehend our own opinion 
of it?
I argue that it is romantic to believe this a beautiful thing. In reality our own truths get 
us in trouble. However, without this trouble there becomes less of a reason to exist. I'm not 
saying we HAVE a reason but if we already knew the truth we'd get bored.


  1. They say a computer cannot understand itself, only run different programs. But it can never see how those programs form a coherent whole and figure out how its own programming works - hence needing someone else to tell you what its error is.

    So in life, we cannot understand everyones' positions because we have not lived every complex life in the world. We are each only a program that as a whole make up a (hopefully) working computer.

  2. I think the things people make and design represent us. I like what you say.
