


Recently I’ve posted a quote by Lady Gaga and explained why I did not like it or her. As soon as it had happened, I received a plethora of rude anonymous hate mail. None of it really stating anything other than I don’t have any music tastes, my blog is awful, and I’m a bitch. That being said, several others have asked me for the exact reasoning behind my distaste for a certain Gaga. In the past I have made quite a long post about this exact subject, but it seems as though I’m going to have to revamp it. Before any of you start sending me any hate mail, remember that this is all a matter of opinion. I’m not calling you a bitch for loving her, don’t call me a bitch for hating her. On to the first few topic liners.


If you haven’t quite noticed, and I’m sure most of her hardcore fans have, Lady Gaga is really good at informing her fans that it’s okay to be in the outcast and that she roots for the underdog. And, yeah, that’s really great of her and it’s correct… she’s going too far with this. She has been solely catering to the ‘outcast’ and she seems to not want to sing to those who are already confident. If you weren’t bullied in school or if you aren’t weird, then she just doesn’t seem to care. When has she ever expressed any emotion for people who have had a decent life so far? Never. That being said, she’s sort of… forcing people to dwell on the negative and to feel as though they aren’t wanted and are the outcast. And then she pulls her self-martyrdom act and tries to free you from the chains that she’s already put you in without you even knowing. I don’t like how she thinks that she is a righteous woman who is lifting people up and helping them. What she is really doing is shackling her fans down and forcing them to believe that they are in the wrong. Once she’s done that, she suddenly sings about being born that way. So then she forces you to feel like it’s okay and wonderful to have these flaws that she pointed out in the first place. She is not a goddess or a miracle worker, she’s just damning you to your flaws and quirks.


Gaga has this thing. Where she likes to point out how hard of a life she has had. How people used to call her rabbit-teeth, how nobody liked her, how she was always bullied in school, how she was told that she was too ethnic to be a star. I’m not falling for it. On several accounts that have been recently released, it has been said that Gaga is lying about being bullied in school. While she wasn’t exactly popular, she wasn’t an outcast or bullied. Who is the one for me to believe in this situation? Not too sure. But she was raised in an upper crust family who was wealthy, she went to a very nice school, and she has always had a foot in the door of the music industry. She’s had a good, if not wonderful life. She never cried or complained about being bullied before, but once it became a big thing for people to do she started to constantly cry about how hard she had it in school. I feel as though it’s a phoney act that she is putting on. I do like that she is telling people that bullying is okay, that’s a lovely message, but lying about being bullied is downright disgusting. In recent videos for her HBO concert, she is just seen crying and continuously wiping at her tears. It all seems very put on to me. I’ve asked several other people, and they agree with me. I just don’t see how throwing yourself into a situation that you may not have actually gone through can be considered acceptable. She’s a millionaire now, so why does she all of a sudden have to complain about how hard it’s been? Of course it’s hard. Life is hard. You’ve always been in the music industry, so stop complaining about it and count your blessings.


The Madonna Effect is something that a lot of artists have done. It’s not saying they are copying Madonna, it’s saying they are similar. When you throw religion, sex, and scandal around in your music and cause controversy is what is considered the Madonna Effect. Lady Gaga is taking this to brand new extremes. It should be called the Gaga Effect by now. She’s throwing religious symbols and derogatory terms around like it’s nobody’s business and then right after she starts thanking God and praying. You don’t swallow a rosary and then go on about Jesus saved your life. For someone going to a Catholic school and coming from an Italian, Catholic family she uses God’s name like a playtoy. And while not everyone is religious, and while not everyone may care, it’s very insulting to the people who do actually believe. Now she is pulling the race card, the sexuality card, the poor card, the wealthy card, and any other card she can think of just to cause controversy. She wants the attention. She craves the attention. She doesn’t give a damn what you think, she just wants you to buy her albums because she’s singing to you that it’s okay that you were born black. And it’s okay that you were born gay. It’s okay that you were born Asian. Hearing about your obvious traits is somehow very appealing to everyone, and she knows that. Controversy is what she thrives on, now.


When she first came out, did you ever hear about her standing up for the gays? No. Did you ever hear her praising the gays? No. All of a sudden she is using us as a crutch. It’s wonderful that she donates to certain organizations, but several have released information that she hasn’t donated the money that she says she is. That’s her business, not my own. I liked her speech in front of the White House, that was a good one. That was when she actually seemed to care about the cause. After that, she began using the gay community as a crutch. With the video for Alejandro, bringing the exiled soldiers to television shows, singing Born This Way, etc etc. At this point in time, she’s not even doing much for the rest of her audience. She’s just loving the gays and feasting on the attention and money that they give her. She steals gay culture and sells it back with a steaming pile of shit on top and she calls it art.


Over these few years, Gaga of 2011 isn’t even the Gaga that we all know. She’s completely remodeled herself and she’s not even a human anymore. She is a brand. She is a name. She is manufactured. She is fake. She was once a unique, lovable person with an incredible talent. I used to obsess over her. I basically worshiped the ground that she walked on. I never called her Mother, because that’s just weird, but I really, truly loved her. I loved that she was unique and nobody else was like her. I liked her music because it was catchy and fun. I loved The Fame, and I really liked The Fame Monster. But after the Bad Romance video came out she started going above and beyond to appear different. She already was different, but she thought she had to keep outdoing herself. Her shtick is going to run out soon and she won’t be able to outdo herself anymore. Her music is going down the drain. I don’t know what the heck happened after The Fame Monster, but now she’s preaching about being Born This Way. You can’t go around saying to everyone that they need to love and be themselves when you’re wearing a meat dress and you have horns on your face and shoulders. She’s not staying true to who she is, she’s staying true to the money that she thinks she is going to make by being completely off the charts and lying to her fans. My fingers are crossed that we’ll get the old Gaga back, the one who actually cared more about her music and not her image. We’ll see what comes out of this new robotic Gaga, but I won’t give any of my hopes up.

So much truth. 


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